Please ensure your story is between 400-1500 words long, has a title and follows the house style.
Then, attach your stories (maximum of two stories per person, per month) to as word documents.
Please make sure your return email address is visible so we can contact you if necessary.
In the subject header of the email, please write 'Entry' followed by the theme and your name/pen-name.
E.g. Entry - Obsession - Sandra Rose
Please note if you provide a pen-name your real name will not be published.
If you DO NOT want to receive feedback on your story from The Writer's Notebook readers, please state so in the first line of your email. Feedback will only be available to finalists.
Then, please copy the Terms and Conditions text below into the body of the email, as evidence that you have read and accept the terms. Any entry that doesn't have the terms and conditions text included in the email will not be included in the competition.
Terms and Conditions
I agree that I am submitting my short story/stories to be entered in The Writer's Notebook Short Story Competition, and that if my story should be chosen for the monthly finalist poll I agree to the following:
- That my story can be published in its entirety to The Writer's Notebook blog, to be read and judged by The Writer's Notebook readers for the duration of the finalist poll.
- If I do not want my story to receive feedback from the readers of the blog, I will notify The Writer's Notebook in my submission email.
- I understand that feedback will only be available to three short stories that reach the finalist poll each month.
- That if my story is judged the winning entry for the month I agree to allow my short story to be published in it's entirety in The Writer's Notebook Anthology that will be published at the end of 2016 - or when a total of twelve winning stories have been collected - whichever happens soonest.
- That once published, The Writer's Notebook Anthology will be on sale as a digital download, or as a paperback which will be available to order from Amazon.
- That if my story is published in the Anthology, I will retain all rights to my story. But that The Writer's Notebook will hold rights to the Anthology.
- If my story wins I will not receive a 'prize' immediately - instead I will receive an equal share of the sales profits of the Anthology on a monthly basis once it has been published.
- That if my story is published in the Anthology I will receive one Kindle edition of the Anthology gifted to me by The Writer's Notebook.
- I understand that the sales profits will be split equally thirteen ways between the twelve published authors and The Writer's Notebook
- That if my story is a winner and is to be published in the Anthology it is my responsibility to make available to The Writer's Notebook my contact email address and my Paypal account email address in order to receive monthly sales reports and my monthly payments.
- I understand that each month payment will vary depending on sales quantities, and that I will not receive a payment if there have been no sales that particular month. But I will still receive a sales report as evidence of this.
- That The Writer's Notebook will have control on the decision whether to make the Anthology out-of-print if sales decline. But I understand I will be informed of this decision by email.
- That if my story is published (or is intended to be published) in the Anthology and I wish to submit it for publication elsewhere, I will inform The Writer's Notebook. But I will not retract my story from the Anthology.
- That I will make available to The Writer's Notebook upon request, a small biography about myself (or about my pseudonym if applicable) which can be included in its entirety or in an edited form within the Anthology and used in advertisements for the Anthology and displayed on The Writer's Notebook blog.
- That my email and Paypal account email addresses will only be used for the purposes stated of sending sales reports, contacting me with regards to the Anthology and to receive payment.
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